Joy Edwin Thanarajah

Joy Edwin Thanarajah

CEO and Managing Partner
focal areas
  • Managing directors and shareholders with over 1,000 successful search requests
  • specialized in SMEs, industrial & automotive, financial services and related areas

Joy Edwin Thanarajah is always in a good mood, which makes him an attractive person in the executive search industry.

For him, the character of top managers is decisive. He himself believes in humility, team spirit, loyalty and, above all, fun at work. His secret tip for companies to position themselves as an attractive employer lies in excellent internal communication and authentic proximity to employees.

Inspired by diversity and the people around him, he has discovered his passion for finding talent and relies on managers with distinctive emotional intelligence, inspired by greats such as Michael Jordan and literary works such as “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse.

After training and studying, Joy Edwin Thanarajah worked for an international market research company.

For more than fifteen years, he has played a key role in shaping the research center, which is unparalleled in Germany and is highly recognized even among market players.


  • Training in the chemical industry
  • Studying Business Administration/Business Administration
Hamburger Allee 4
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