Stefan Schuberth

Stefan Schuberth

focal areas
  • over 20 years of experience in staffing executives
  • Focus areas in production and process industries, engineering
  • Project experience in upstream and downstream value chains such as industrial services, tool technology, measurement and control technology, logistics/supply chain, etc.

Stefan Schuberth is characterized by his resilience, which helps him to address any challenges in staffing projects calmly and confidently.

When looking for top executives, he values conclusive career success — he loves analyzing resumes.

In advising companies, he places particular emphasis on maintaining stability at management level and developing a clear vision for the business model.

Professionalism and courtesy are particularly important to him in his professional work and he also expects the same from managers. Stefan Schuberth makes sure that they bring charisma, authenticity and passion to their work.

After successful years in international business development, Stefan Schuberth held a leading position at a leading American personnel consultancy.

His network, built up with professionalism and maintained over many years, as well as detailed knowledge of corporate and industry structures make him a competent partner.


  • Diplom-Betriebswirt, FH Bielefeld, additional studies at the University of Manitoba
Roßstraße 92
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