Benjamin Behrend

Benjamin Behrend

Project Manager
focal areas
  • Studies: B.Sc Technical Business Administration/Marketing in Hamburg and M.Sc Human Resources Management & Organizational Consulting in Lisbon

Benjamin Behrend has a special talent for recognizing the true priorities in leadership - even if these are often overshadowed by other issues. It is important to him not only to find short-term solutions, but also to identify leaders who will accompany the company into the future and continue to develop together.

Benjamin Behrend sees leadership culture as a decisive competitive advantage for companies. In his opinion, the best talent goes where the best leaders are. Those who invest in leadership development secure their long-term attractiveness as an employer.

His motivation to work in the executive search industry stems from the win-win situation he creates when he does his job well. He considers it a success when companies can attract excellent managers and at the same time open up development prospects for candidates.

Transparency, reliability and authenticity are particularly important to him in his professional work. These values characterize his interactions and serve as the basis for his actions.

Benjamin Behrend is convinced that the best leaders must be willing to continuously develop themselves. He sees openness to feedback, self-reflection and flexibility as essential qualities that make for sustainably successful leadership.

In his free time, Benjamin finds inspiration in Yuval Noah Harari's book “A Brief History of Mankind”. It encourages him to reflect on the mechanisms and assumptions on which our society is based and promotes his understanding of the complex interrelationships in professional and human interaction.

Benjamin Behrend is not only an expert in the field of executive search, but also a source of inspiration for the development of leadership personalities who has a deep insight into the dynamics of companies and people.

In seiner Freizeit findet Benjamin Inspiration in Yuval Noah Hararis Buch „Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit“. Es regt ihn zur Reflexion darüber an, auf welchen Mechanismen und Annahmen unsere Gesellschaft beruht, und fördert sein Verständnis für die komplexen Zusammenhänge im beruflichen und menschlichen Miteinander.

Benjamin Behrend ist nicht nur ein Experte im Bereich Executive Search, sondern auch ein Impulsgeber für die Entwicklung von Führungspersönlichkeiten, der einen tiefen Einblick in die Dynamiken von Unternehmen und Menschen hat.

Große Johanisstraße 19
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