Lodowing Insiun

Lodowing Insiun

Managing Director
focal areas
  • Managing Director of Deininger Management Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Managing Partner of Deininger Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
  • Born in Malaysia-Chinese, grew up in the Rhineland
  • serves clients in China and Southeast Asia, with a focus on Chinese market expertise

Lodowing Insun's great strength lies in his entrepreneurial experience from founding a company to closing the factory. Here he gained intensive professional experience when China just joined the WTO and in his early years as a management consultant he frequently had to commute between Frankfurt/Main and Shanghai.

His success is based on his belief and motivation to take matters into his own hands, even though that sometimes means taking care of important and small details personally. The professional competence of a consultant can only be effective if you turn words into actions “hands-on” for your clients.

When looking for top managers, the chemistry and personality between client and candidate is particularly important to him. He attaches great importance to the fact that managers are not only professionally competent, but also have a very good character for the company. His secret tip for companies to position themselves as an attractive employer lies in clear communication and the ability to treat applicants as welcome members of the company.

His role model is his old master from the Bonn craft business, where he worked as an unskilled worker to finance his studies. Here he learned to value virtues such as politeness, respect, fairness and transparency towards employees.

Even before joining Deininger, Lodowing Insiun worked in business and personnel consulting for German SMEs with factories and sales offices in Asia and China since 2002. He supervised investment projects and analysed production sites and their supply chain in China.

At the same time, he also focused on recruiting local specialists and executives and supported the integration of Asian professionals into European companies based in China.


  • Diploma Regional Scientist Southeast Asia
  • Economist and sociologist, University of Bonn
China Merchants Plaza, North Chengdu Road No. 333
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