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Wer nein sagt, muss es begründen können

Christoph Hartmann
“Suits & Sneakers” is Deininger’s podcast for decision makers. We talk to leaders about topics such as new working environments, digitization, leadership change and their experiences in building and managing companies. The podcast is only available in German language.

Das gilt für Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter aller Hierarchie-Ebenen. Das Bedürfnis, von daheim aus zu arbeiten, wird alle Branchen betreffen, nicht nur die besonders innovativen wie IT oder Pharma. Gerade die hoch qualifizierten Bewerber werden praktikable Homeoffice-Regelungen nachfragen. Manche von ihnen werden die Heimarbeit sogar zur Bedingung für einen Jobwechsel machen. Unternehmen sollten deshalb gut überlegen, wie sie diesem Wunsch nachkommen können. Vor allem sollte, wer nein sagt, diese Weigerung konkret und nachprüfbar begründen. Gemeinplätze („Mannschaften gehören immer zusammen“) helfen nicht weiter.

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The future of talent: 3 employer branding trends you need to know in 2025

Some sectors in Germany are currently under pressure, jobs are being cut and uncertainty is spreading. Not the best time for employer branding? It's not - argues our guest author Markus Kempf-Tschirko, Head of Corporate Marketing & Communications at pilot. You can find the most important employer branding trends for 2025 in this blog post.

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AI in action - AI impulses for brand communication

Cinema, popcorn, artificial intelligence: AI is the word of the hour - also in marketing. Together with our friends from WongDoody, Infosys' creative agency, we organized a special AI event in the Astor Film Lounge and immersed ourselves in the future of brand communication.

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Suits & Sneakers Executive Lounge in Hamburg

Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities. – Michele Jennae We took this idea to heart this week at our first Suits & Sneakers Executive Lounge of the year in Hamburg.

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