Executive Search

Education & Science

Educational Provider
Education and Training
Universities, Colleges and Non-University Research Institutions

In the area of “Education and Science”, various key categories play an important role in designing and promoting educational institutions, learning processes, and scientific research and development:

These leaders help ensure high-quality education and training, advance scientific knowledge and innovation, and promote learners' personal and professional development.

Talk to us if you are looking for managers with these areas of focus:

Educational Provider

Leaders in educational institutions are responsible for developing educational concepts, curricula, and educational programs to promote student learning success and competency development.

Education and Training

Competent leaders in education and training design innovative learning processes and programs for professional qualification and personnel development to meet the need for skilled workers in various industries.

Universities, Colleges and Non-University Research Institutions

Leaders in these institutions direct and coordinate research projects, academic programs, and scientific activities to contribute to the development of knowledge, innovation, and cutting-edge research.


School leaders play an important role in school development, the educational design of the curriculum and the creation of a conducive learning environment for students to support their individual development and education.

Specialized in this focal area:
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