Executive Search
Professional Services
Auditing and Tax Advice
Law Firms
M&A and Transaction Advice
Transport and Logistics
Family Offices
Private Equity
In the area of professional services, auditing and tax consulting, law firms, M&A consultancies, transport and logistics, private equity and family offices play a central role. Executives in this area make a significant contribution to providing professional services of the highest quality and to supporting their clients in complex business matters.
With their expertise, experience and strategic thinking, they deliver tailor-made solutions and help companies achieve their goals.
Don't leave anything to chance in this area. We will find suitable managers and specialists for you in these areas:
Auditing and Tax Advice
Placements ranging from the classic Audit, Tax & Advisory segments to current technology-driven topics, including Tax Technology & Transformation
Law Firms
Experts who provide legal advice and support in various areas of law to represent and protect their clients in legal matters
M&A and Transaction Advice
Mergers and Acquisitions specialists who help companies enter into strategic partnerships, structure transactions, and maximize corporate value
Transport and Logistics
Executives who work in the transport and logistics sector and develop and implement tailor-made solutions for the smooth transportation of goods and goods
Private Equity
PE specialists and portfolio company executives who are responsible for developing and implementing investment strategies, managing and optimizing portfolio companies and acquiring new investments in the private equity sector
Family Offices
Professionals who provide complex financial and wealth management services to wealthy families or wealthy individuals, including tax planning, investment strategies, and inheritance planning
Specialized in this focal area: